MONDAY 15th JUNE 2020
The Board of Management met today to discuss the further easing of restrictions.
All Club Members are reminded of the guidelines and restrictions set by the State Government which must be strictly adhered to.
Tuesday & Thursday Practice will continue from 11am-12:30 pm and 1pm-3pm.
Coaching is available on Sunday morning from 11am-1 pm.
Contact Nola 0408 131 645. Booking is essential.
Wednesday and Saturday Social Competition:
Registration 12 noon with play commencing at 12:30pm.
Cost $6 restricted to Club members.
Contact Chris Parry 0401 016 800 or Ken Byrom 0407 617 372.
Friday Social Bowls will commence Friday 19th June:
Registration 10:30am with play commencing at 11:00am.
Contact Nadene Morrow 8264-0016 or 0429 448 103.
Bar to open on Friday Night from 4pm:
65 members only allowed in the Clubroom at any one time.
An additional 10 members allowed in the meeting room to be served by bar staff.
Drinks to be consumed whilst seated at a table and no shared food to be brought in.
All members must add their name and phone number legibly to a register on entry.
These are requirements of the current Government restrictions.
Friday night dinners are currently under discussion.
Hand Sanitiser Dispensers:
Five dispensers have been fitted inside the Clubroom by both automatic sliding doors, entry to the meeting room, in the kitchen and in the bar.
Our Club has been visited by the authorities and we have complied with all the guidelines and restrictions placed upon us. We seek the cooperation of all members to continue to comply with these restrictions.
Best wishes to you all.
Nola Manuel
Administrative Secretary
On behalf of the Board of Management
15th June 2020