- Players are required to complete a rating slip after each game.
- Players will rate the other 3 players in their rink. They will not rate themselves.
- Players are to rate their team-mates with a score of 1-9. ‘Poor’ is a rating of 1-3, ‘Acceptable’ 4-6 and ‘Good’ 7-9.
- Rating slips are to be completed immediately after the game and handed to the Team Manager prior to leaving the bowling club (home or away).
- There should be no discussion between players when completing rating slips
- For a player to be rated as ‘Good’ (7-9) the following should be taken into account
- Did the player beat their opponent?
- Did they play a consistently good match?
- A good rating should not be recorded if the player played well in part of the match but less so in the rest of the game i.e. that would be considered inconsistent.