Friday 21st August 2020
We have been advised by the S.A. Government of the requirement to have a COVID-19 Marshal on site for all events, which will include Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Social Bowls, Pennants, Gala Days, Opening Day etc.
Several members of both the BoM, and Ladies and Men’s Committee have completed the training and are now certified to be a HVBC COVID-19 Marshal. Our Marshals will be clearly visible and identifiable by wearing a hi-vis yellow armband, which is an approved method of identity.
The organiser of any event, and in the case of Pennant and trial matches, the Ladies and/or Men’s Committee will appoint the COVID-19 Marshal for the day.
We have been advised the authorities are visiting Clubs and we will be required to provide trace records on request. Our records are being kept for:
- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Social Bowls
- Tuesday Indoor Bowls
- Friday Night dinners
A visitor book will be kept permanently at the entry door for all visitors to sign in. This will include any member coming to the Club who is not involved in any of the above events where trace records are being kept.
Entry/Exit doors:
Members are reminded to enter the Clubroom via the main automatic sliding door and exit via the centre automatic sliding door. Large ENTRY ONLY and EXIT ONLY signs have been placed on the doors as a reminder.
Hand Sanitisers:
Hands-free sanitiser dispensers are now in use at the front door. These are easy to use by placing your hand under the tap for a moment. If you leave your hand there too long, you are likely to be covered in hand sanitiser.
Members are reminded of the importance of adhering to the strict guidelines with regard to using the hand sanitisers that are provided. This is for the health and wellbeing of us all.
Please note: The Board of Management will continue to do whatever we consider necessary to keep members safe and the Club functioning so we can continue to enjoy our day on the green and the social side of Club activities.
Kind Regards,
Nola Manuel Administrative Secretary
On behalf of the Board of Management